EUR8,000 for Your Cartoon

PR Newswire

BRUXELAS, BĂ©lgica, 15 de Novembro, 2012

The Press Cartoon Europe (PCE) 2013 has generous cash prizes for cartoons which have appeared during 2012 in a newspaper or magazine in any European country. The previous editions welcomed work from hundreds of cartoonists from all European countries. The first prize went to a Swedish (Riber, 2009), a German (Burkhard Mohr, 2010) a Belgian (Karl, 2011) and a Dutch cartoonist (Jos Collignon, 2012). The PCE 2013 will award a Grand Prize of EUR8,000 cash, a second and a third prize of EUR1,000 each. Only cartoons published in 2012 may be entered. Cartoonists may submit a maximum of three works by 1 January 2013 the latest to Only electronic submissions will be accepted. The regulations, the registration form and further information can be requested from the same address. Participation in the PCE is free.

Contact: (phone +322-475-744-323) or


Fonte:Press Cartoon Europe

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